Andrea Escamilla Onlyfans: During an online class, a non-twofold individual burst into tears in the wake of considering it uncivil that one of her partners called her “associate” and not “accessory.”
It is an online class whose second was recorded and transformed into a web sensation on relational associations since all of the understudies appear on the Zoom screen and one of them is Andrea Escamilla, who added the pronouns “Elle” and “he” in sections. With this, Escamilla displayed to her accomplices how she needs them to imply her since she is a non-twofold individual; But, she reacted incautiously when one of the young people called her “mate”
“I’m not your accessory, I am your associate,” addressed the non-twofold person through tears and rapidly unwound his recipient and the image on his screen.
After Andrea Escamilla’s reaction, the youth who called her “accessory”, Max Carvajal, offered a statement of regret and immediately changed how he implied her and continued with the subject of the class.
It was one a greater amount of the understudies, Luis Hernández, who was accessible in the virtual class, who decided to share the video on casual associations explaining the situation and blaming Escamilla for the events.
According to Hernández, it was a show about implosion anyway the non-equal individual began to divert the subject, something that as demonstrated by the understudy he has done on various occasions.