Karen Sydow Obituary – Passed Away! December 9, 1959 – September 5, 2021 A Special SisterIn memory of my sister who never had needs or qualms. She was brought into the world with Cerebral Palsy and would never talk more than three words.1) Mom2) Donalds (she adored McDonalds)3) Piano (she love music)The recent years with Covid made seeing her past troublesome, as of late were we returning to normal.Our father passed in 2007 and our mom this year, May 2021.
On my last trip with Karen, we took a bright bicycle ride; she giggled and applauded. At the point when we halted by the lake for outing lunch, Karen said “Mother, mom”.I held her and advised her “mother isn’t here any longer”. Karen absolutely strange put her head on my shoulder and tears ran down her cheek.
Indeed she understood.Two weeks after the fact she died; I think she truly needed to be with mom.Karen, I wish I might have made you giggle once again. I required you too.Love your sibling ErikThank you to all that aided in Karen’s consideration for such countless years at Valley Village and Tierra del Sol.