Nicole Green Obituary – Nicole Edith Green of McCullough Lake, in the past of Guelph, died calmly in her rest because of an unanticipated respiratory failure on Sunday, February 7, 2021, in her 41st year. Appreciated the girl of Donna (Cain) and Wayne Duquette of McCullough Lake. Adoring sister of Michelle Cain (Eddie) of Paisley, Charlene Hoogaars-Savory (Bill), Mike Duquette (Jessica), Bradley Duquette (Anne), and Jason Duquette (Krista), all of Guelph. Dearest auntie of Victoria (extraordinary auntie of Kennedy) Bekki, Tommy, Megan, Joel, Owen, and Olivia.
Nicole will be beyond all doubt missed by every last bit of her Duquette nieces and nephews, her numerous aunties and uncles just as the whole Cain, Duquette, and Green families. Molly, Nicole’s hide child, is additionally grieving her misfortune. Nicole was predeceased by her dad, Howard Green. A private festival of Nicole’s life will be held before very long when it is protected to do as such. Dedication gifts to the Gray Bruce Animal Shelter would be greatly valued as articulations of compassion.